Forget y'all!- This ain't a playground craze, man. No, man, go be a gangstersomeplace else, baby. But I'm a gangster rapper!It's my calling, homie! Look man, do whatever you want,but get the fuck outta here. We products of the environment.Don't be a idiot, man. It's gonna take morethan a bullet in the head to stop me. You don't want a bullet in the brain,but if you can make it work and make some benjaminswhile you at it, then that's cool. You put a gun to a brother's head,brother's gonna do what he's told, no matter if he's a foolor a wise man. Now, the way I see itis that we don't have a choice. How my shit look, fool? Yeah, yeah, it's cool. You know I got your back,right, homie? Cool. This way you will be, homie.This is all about destiny. The way I see it, man, I need to be in chargeof my destiny, homie.

That shit changes everything,don't it? For sure.Let's bounce, homie. Man, Grove Street ain't evenno real gang no more, homie. You sure this is cool, - or this some kinda trap?- Be cool, man.